Mapping World Englishes

This map includes information about many of the English-based varieties (dialects, creoles, and pidgins) found across the globe. The map is not intended to be comprehensive, but we plan on adding markers for English varieties that are currently not represented to illustrate the growing diversity and development of World Englishes. You can also find links to English accent tag videos here.

For optimal viewing, expand the map by pressing the “View Larger Map” icon in the upper right corner of the map.

This map is also intended to be a media/linguistic repository. Each marker will eventually contain links to media (mainly videos) related to each variety of English identified in the marker. Instructors can use this map as a point of departure for students research projects or papers, or even have the students themselves build their own linguistic maps or isoglosses of a language and its varieties.

We would like to thank students from Dr. Howard’s Fall 2020 English 1101 course for their contributions to the collection of video resources linked in the map.


Other Language Maps

A National Map of the Regional Dialects of American English (University of Pennsylvania)


What Dialect Do You Speak? (Washington Post)

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